Rúnatáls-þáttr-Óðins (stanzas 139–146)

Veit ec at ec hecc vindga meiði a netr allar nío, geiri vndaþr oc gefinn Oðin, sialfr sialfom mer, a þeim meiþi, er mangi veit, hvers hann af rótom renn. Við hleifi mic seldo ne viþ hornigi, nysta ec niþr, nam ec vp rvnar, opandi nam, fell ec aptr þaðan.

33rd Year/To the Heavens

Beside someone kind, someone intelligent, someone strong I am, I am, I am Gratitude of being here, reverence towards my love- my Lucy, I sing to the heavens and return And your hands, they will heal from everything you’ve held and didn’t know Your very soul will sing to the heavens As the christos oil …

Un-P.C. yourself

Love as any other name, I will recognize; love is real and soul real that it quickly abandons all that stands in Her way No, I shan’t be doomed to repeat itself No interest in your “jewelry” and your banks of baby loans You will be crushed like the stone you continue to bang your …

He took the hits

Virtue enters in all her tatters; virtue enters in her original formless way, and the masses do not fall at her feet He is willing to go after thy enemy with an oaken club, willing to go after thy enemy with a 2 by 4 And still they cheer like the sickly do while she …


With a sharp eye, I see you calling me and I’m on the move The point of destinations guarded with every breath and sacred intent; I will arrive on time, my dearest friend Foes, the masses cannot see them and will not share our victory-sieg heil

The Kind of Man

Some Slow moving ship comes into the port of my heart’s eye zone and it is in this moment that She comes to confirm the miraculous and numerical It’s presence takes precedence over the choice to disallow you into me see-the see of dreams becoming and becoming dreams The kind of man who is beyond …

A poem for Miguel Serrano

The magnificence of his soul, how he chose to remember and remember and return the gift even still as the core of my being lights up, as some kind of kindred feeling moves my secret well Man after the Holy Grail, defender of the pure and true, I open my heart to you and in …

Being/Spit out of time

The heaviness of knowing; it’s like carrying the burden of secrets and being spit out of time The whirl still wants to talk about it-elementary Listening to the sound of inner space, the planets reconciling the different nuances of experience and integration I see the destination before we’ve arrived and look as crazy as one …

Original Woman

All the moments of my life, I have given you the best ones and every gnosis that’s been misunderstood and ultimately rejected, I have forgiven you for that as well I am the original woman, with the ether in my eyes and the living waters of my pain a sacrament-do you dare forget? Mist of …

South Node in Virgo

The obsession you have with doing, with perfection, with criticism is chewing you up. Perhaps you were called Mary Poppins in school and are always correcting everything. Nothing ever seems to be good enough. When was the last time that you let the tears fall like sweet alchemy from your gentle eyes? When was the …

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